Money City

money city logo

Quick Info

  • Platform: Spacial.Chat, video chat, or in-person
  • Players: 6-30
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Client: Grant for the Web
  • Collaborators: Copia Gaming
  • Released: May, 2023

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Game Overview

Money City was a game commissioned by Grant for the Web as a fun way to explore the future of money, payments, monetization at Mozilla’s MozFest conference. We set the game in a fictional cyberpunk dystopia and organized players into factions who were working to bring down the ruling megacorp and replace it with something better. Players brainstormed interventions, courted key figures in the city, and grappled with tricky dilemmas.

We ran the game three times and players had a blast. After the conference we released a playkit of all the game materials and recap reports covering what happened in each session.

screen shot of Money City

For a more detailed write-up of the game, including a deep dive on structure and mechanics, read this summary of Money City.

You can also listen to the collaborators discussing the game on this Techdirt podcast episode.